
New Year

Well into the new year and I'm feeling confident that it will all work out just fine! :) Its been a year of ups and downs but I've managed to stay on the upside. We've celebrated Valentine's Day, 100 days in kindergarten, Dr. Seuss, had a wild rodeo and even partied like a rockstar at the homestead. Good times!

My kids have been wonderful and the classroom feels like a great big family. I couldn't be more pleased with their progress, both educationally and emotionally. What a team they've become! I'm so proud of them!

Now begins a new educational venture with a master's degree and re-learning how to learn as an adult. I know I can do this. I know I can. Gnomey will help me!(Repeat that ten times with hands raised to heaven and maybe it'll be true.) Only time will tell... and I'm so very much enjoying my time.

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