For me, that thing is painting. Usually I use acrylics on canvas to paint whatever might be in my heart at the moment. Usually has something to do with water, trees, or just color.... Today was my day for me. I was a naughty teacher and cancelled my training for the day. I just was not ready for it. I know it's terrible. I admit it! I hope the staff development gods will forgive me. Tomorrow and Thursday are a MUST. Somebody please give me the ability to get up and out of the house by 7:45 am. I just don't know if I can do it!
I think I'm a little late to the watercolor party, but man... I'm in love! I've done very little with these in the past, but today I fell in love. Did y'all know that black watercolor could be so dense on the paper? I didn't!
These are the ones I actually finished. There are a couple more that I did not take photos of yet. I am having a love affair with circles. I don't know how long it will last. The pics are terrible & the colors didn't come out quite as nice as they are in person, but I post with love... ♥